iPad and iPhone Application Development (HD)    연속                    http://deimos3.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Feed/itunes.stanford.edu-dz.10655206402.010655206404

역시 stanford 강의가 품질이 좋네.

2009년 쯤에 봤던 것 같은데, 2011년 최신 것을 보는 것도 도움이 된다.

2011년에는 예제를 ipad program으로 만들었나보네.

그리고, storyboard도 쓴다.

9. Table Views (October 25, 2011) - HD    1:14:55    11. 11. 22.    Paul Hegarty    Stanford    Software engineering, programming language, operating system, iOS, OS, iPhone, iPad objective c, cocoa touch, SDK, object oriented design, Apple, Macintosh, tools, language, runtime, Xcode, objective-C, Interface Builder, App Store, framework, UITableView

delegate를 만들어서 view controller끼리 protocol으로 정보를 주고 받는 예제도 들어 있다.

by 언제나19 2013. 1. 13. 19:00

Human Behavioral Biology                    This course covers how to approach complex normal and abnormal behaviors through biology; how to integrate disciplines including sociobiology, ethology, neuroscience, and endocrinology, to examine behaviors such as aggression, sexual behavior, language us    http://deimos3.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Feed/itunes.stanford.edu-dz.5252793785.05252793787

내용 구성은 좋은 것 같은데, 말이 너무 많아서, 알아듣기가 힘들다. 내 영어 실력이 딸려서.

조금만 방심하면 훅 지나가네.

3강까지 보기에는 이기적 유전자 내용을 배우는 셈이었다.

음질, 화질 괜찮은 편.

선생님이 끊임 없이 말을 한다.

3. Behavioral Evolution II (April 2, 2010)    1:36:58    10. 11. 12.    Robert Sapolsky    Stanford    Science, Interdisciplinary, Bioengineering, Sociobiology, Darwin, Evolution, Sexual, Natural Selection, Reproduce, Reproduction, Survive, Gene, Trait, Behavior, Species, Adapt, Aggression, Logic, Animal, Kin, Group, Individual, Reciprocal Altruism, Sex Ra
2. Behavioral Evolution (March 31, 2010)    1:36:57    10. 11. 12.    Robert Sapolsky    Stanford    human life, evolution, science, nature, nash equilibrium, social, society, culture, evolutionary psychology, trait, darwin, natural selection, speciation, variability, genetic, heritable, reproduction, kinship, fitness, animal, reciprocal altruism, cooper
1. Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology (March 29, 2010)    57:14    10. 11. 12.    Robert Sapolsky    Stanford    human life, biology, behavior, science, gene, nature, brain, hormone, amygdala, body, chemical, physiology, emotion, thought, social, society, culture, information, category, cognitive, anxiety, boundary, neuron, evolution, genetics, dna, selection, categ

by 언제나19 2013. 1. 6. 18:41

지난 학기에 graphics 공부도 할 겸
lecture 03까지 보다가 말았다.
대부분 씻으면서 보느라, 제대로 못봤다.
필요하면 다음에 다시 봐야겠다.

컴퓨터과에서 가르친다.
미국식 발음은 아니다.

lecture 01에서는 robots 동영상을 몇 개 보여주고,
그 이후로는 전통적인 전통적인 kinetics 수업이었던 것 같다.

Introduction to Robotics http://deimos3.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Feed/itunes.stanford.edu-dz.4331558706.04331558708 
1. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 1 58:11 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, code, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, haptic interaction, controls, sensors, gps, human interaction, muscle-like actuation, human augmentation, spatial
2. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 2 1:08:11 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, spatial descriptions, kinematics, manipulator, joints, constraints, end-efector, parameters, operational point, redundan
3. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 3 1:17:10 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, flexable microactuators, homogeneous transform, transformations, fixed cameras, rotation matrix, three angle representat
4. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 4 1:11:54 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, hummingbird, minipositioner, kinematics, manipulators, links, denavit-hartenberg notation, frame attachment, transformat
5. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 5 1:06:36 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, kinematics, brachiation robot, RPRR, stanford scheinman arm, forward kinematics
6. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 6 1:10:35 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, kinematics, locomotion gates, polypod, instantaneous kinematics, jacobian, differential motion, linear motion, angular m
7. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 7 1:09:14 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, kinematics, volleyball, jacobian, linear velocity, angular velocity, matrixes, frame, Kinematic singularity
8. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 8 1:15:10 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, kinematics, automatic driving, jacobian, stanford scheinman arm, joints, singularity, end-effector, cross product operat
9. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 9 1:16:03 08. 7. 23. Gregory Hager Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, kinematics, perception, vision, sensing, robotic mobility, manipulation, computational stereo, stereo-system accuracy, t
10. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 10 1:01:33 08. 7. 23. Krasimir Kolarov Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, kinematics, trajectory, manipulator arm, joint space, cartesian space, signal cubic polynomial, via points, linear inter
11. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 11 1:13:41 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, kinematics, robotic reconnaissance, surveillance team, Newton-Euler Formulation, articulated multi-body, recursive algor
12. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 12 1:13:37 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, kinematics, climbing abilities, parallel bogie, lagrange, locomotion, Dynamics, inertial forces, equations of motion, ki
13. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 13 1:10:10 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, juggling, robot control, natural systems, PID control, Joint-Space Dynamic control, Task-Oriented control, motion rate c
14. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 14 1:13:14 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, sensors, tactile sensors, waveguide, robot control, derivative control, gains, control partitioning, disturbance rejecti
15. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 15 1:12:25 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, manipulator control, robotic control, PD control stability, gains, nonlinear dynamic decoupling, joint space control, en
16. Introduction to Robotics Lecture 16 1:10:13 08. 7. 23. Oussama Khatib Stanford Computer, Science, robotics, design, Technology, programming, matrix algebra, motion planning, humanoids, AI, artificial intelligence, force control, compliant motion, virtual linkage, compliance, stiffness, force control, closed loop, dynamics, unified m

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