Testing in Xcode 6
Testing in Xcode 6
Session 414
Unit testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly. Learn how Xcode 6 takes this to the next level with support for performance testing, baselining, and integration with Xcode bots to continually monitor your performance over time and devices.
Download: HD | SD | PDF

  1. command u로 실행하거나
  2. side bar에서 하나씩 버튼 눌러서 실행하거나
  3. command로 실행

demo를 objective c로 보여주네. swift를 기대했는데..

OCUnit은 Xcode 5.1부터 deprecated됐다.

Asynchronous testing

test case 1개씩 profiling하는 것도 쓸만 하겠다.

measureBlock은 여러 번 실행하고 실행시간 평균과 standard deviation 등을 계산해 주나 보다.

Testing in Xcode 5ToolsiOS, OS X
Testing in Xcode 5Session 409Play Unit testing is an essential tool to consistently verify that your code works correctly. Learn how Xcode 5 makes it dramatically easier to create, edit, execute, and understand your tests. Download: HD | SD     | PDF

unit testing 얘기부터 시작

XCTest가 Xcode5부터 나왔나보네.

Test Navigator 등은 이 때 더 잘 설명해줬었다.

xcode server에서 test실행하는 것을 local xcode에서 할 수 있는 건가

by 언제나19 2014. 6. 25. 14:48

올해는 wwdc video가 바로 모두에게 공개돼있네.

What's New in Cocoa Touch
What's New in Cocoa Touch
Session 202
iOS 8 brings enhancements to the Cocoa Touch frameworks for making next generation apps on iOS. Learn about updates to view controllers, the introduction of size classes, and get an overview of all new APIs to help you create adaptive apps. Hear about new capabilities, such as extensions and handoff, which will enable you to create great experiences for users to keep them up to date at all times or allow them to continue their workflow when they move from one device to another. Find out which sessions you won't want to miss throughout the week.
Download: HD | SD

adaptive하게 돼서 iphone, ipad 동시 개발이 쉬워졌대.

AlertView도 양쪽에 동작한다고 하고,

simulator도 변경해서 쓰기가 쉬워졌대.

split view도 뭔가 좋아졌다고 한다.


목욕탕 반투명 색깔



variable row height

auto layout으로 자동으로 height를 알아낸다.

App Extensions


승인 안받아도 notify할 수 있게 됐네.

push size가 256 --> 1k

hand off

mac os x을 쓸 때만 쓰려나

Core location

indoor location?? 뭐가 되려나

by 언제나19 2014. 6. 5. 08:19


Interface Builder Core Concepts
Interface Builder Core Concepts
Session 405
The Interface Builder feature built into Xcode makes it easy to create world-class interfaces using a design canvas. Learn how to use storyboards to arrange the views of your app, and employ Auto Layout to ensure your design adapts to changes in screen size, orientation, and localization. See how to easily wire up connections between your beautiful UI and your implementation code using the Assistant editor.
Download: HD | SDPDF

Taking Control of Auto Layout in Xcode 5
Taking Control of Auto Layout in Xcode 5
Session 406
Auto Layout’s powerful constraint-based engine enables a single user interface to work beautifully on both iOS 6 and iOS 7, and respond dynamically to changes in the size of controls, rotation, or localization. See how the improvements to Auto Layout in Xcode 5 make it even easier to quickly build flexible, modern interfaces.
Download: HD | SDPDF


Introduction to Auto Layout for iOS and OS X
Introduction to Auto Layout for iOS and OS X
If your application has a user interface, then this session is for you. iOS 6 adopts OS X Lion's powerful constraint-based layout engine, making it easy to design a flexible user interface that responds dynamically to layout changes such as rotation and varying status bar heights. This session will cover the basic concepts, IB support, and API you'll need to get started using auto layout.
Download: HD | SDPDF

Auto Layout by Example
Auto Layout by Example
Auto layout is a powerful constraint-based layout engine that can handle an amazing variety of user interfaces. This session pulls together API and technique to demonstrate how to build a wide range of interfaces. Learn how to construct common layout scenarios. From simple "button and text field" layouts all the way up to dynamic splitviews with interface elements that are dependent on each other, you will learn crucial skills to implement any type of user interface.
Download: HD | SDPDF

Best Practices for Mastering Auto Layout
Best Practices for Mastering Auto Layout
Learn advanced techniques for creating sophisticated and dynamic layouts in OS X and iOS apps using the auto layout system. You'll receive tons of useful examples, see "how we did that," and learn valuable best practices and debugging techniques. If you are new to auto layout, you might want to attend the Introduction to Auto Layout session first.
Download: HD | SDPDF

Adopting Storyboards in Your App
Developer Tools
Adopting Storyboards in Your App
Storyboards in iOS make designing your application much faster and easier. Storyboards allow you to graphically arrange all your application's views within a single Xcode design canvas, where you can then define the logical flow and even assign transition animations. Learn how to use Storyboards to quickly go from concept to a fully functional iOS application.
Download: HD | SDPDF

2011년에는 os x에서만 auto layout

Cocoa Autolayout
App Frameworks
Cocoa Autolayout
In Lion, we revisit the basics of how views are placed in windows for the first time since Mac OS X 10.0. Springs and struts (i.e. autoresizing masks) are out, dashed blue Interface Builder guides are in. Rather than being one-off helpers for setting a frame in IB, guides become persistent objects that maintain a relationship at runtime. Come see what's going on, and what merited such a big change.
Download: HD | SDPDF

by 언제나19 2014. 5. 29. 16:23
에 한글로 중요한 정보들이 적혀 있다. 
시리즈 3개를 보기 전에
를 다 읽어야 하겠다.
그 중,
는 필수.
등 모든 문서가 다 한 번에 이해가 가는 것은 아니다.
에서는 copyWithZone 을 설명한다. 이것도 복잡해.. 뭐가 이리 많아

이제 본격적으로 arc

공부하고 봐도 __autoreleasing 과 __unsafe_unretained 는 잘 모르겠다.

소유권이 있는지 없는지를 __bridge 로 명시하나보다.

by 언제나19 2011. 11. 30. 17:55

WWDC 2011 Session Videos - HD 에서 autolayout 얘기 보기.

Session 302 - Using Interface builder in Xcode 4 53:44 11. 6. 16. Apple Developer Developer on iTunes
에서 auto layout 소개를 조금 들었었다. 
2011/09/16 17:05 쯤.

Session 103 - Cocoa Autolayout 59:16 11. 6. 16. Apple Developer Developer on iTunes
를 꼭 봐야 했었네.

interface builder로 조작도 가능하면서도,
in-code layout도 가능하다.


이런 거 꼭 필요하다~.
autolayout으로 안된다면, 비슷한 걸 만들어야겠다.

springs and struts에서 이미 있는 개념인가보네.

핵심은 NSLayoutConstraint를 지정해둘 수 있고,
이 constraints가 실행 시간에 적용이 된다는 것.

controller가 layout에 대해서 모르게 하고 싶다. 나도!

헉, 그런데, ios에서 지원이 안되나보다.
가 mac에서만 지원이 되네.

언젠가 ios에도 들어오겠지..

Update Constraints
NSWindow updateConstraintsIfNeeded
NSView updateConstraintsSubtreeIfNeeded
NSView updateConstraints
NSView needsUpdateConstraints
NSView setNeedsUpdateConstraints:
은 새로 나온 거겠지?

layout, display는 원래 있었던 mechanism대로 동작할 것 같다.
NSWindow layoutIfNeeded
NSView layoutSubtreeIfNeeded
NSView layout
NsView needsLayout
NSView setNeedsLayout:

NSWindow displayIfNeeded
NSView displayIfNeeded
NSView drawRect:
NSView needsDisplay
NSView setNeedsDisplay:

그 외에도 baseline 을 지정하고, 이것을 이용해서 맞춰주는 기능도 있나보다.
alignment rect를 통해서, 직사각형 모양으로 맞추기
NSViewShowAlignmentRects 를 통해서 맞추는 것을 확인할 수도 있나보다.

demo를 보여주는데, ui debugging 기능이 정말 좋네.
설정만 하면, 어떤 object와 관련이 있는 alignment lines를 보여주고, 실제 내용을 알려준다.

constraint solving algorithm으로
을 추천해주는데, 어떤 역할을 하는지 모르겠다.


26' 부터 다시 본다.
Display mechanism은  top-down ~> 이게 from View to Super-view??
update constraints path는 bottom-up ~> 이게 leaf --> super --> super
layout은 top down (setFrame) . 이지만 실제 layout 계산은 꼭 그렇지만은 않다고 한다. 동시에 일어나는 것도 있다.

layoutIfNeeded 가 updateConstraints 를 부른대.

이제는 setFrame 하지 말고, constraint를 update해야 한다.

animation 할 때도 constraint를 바꿔야 한다.

autolayout 을 직접 구현한다고 했을 때, 이런 게 부담이 될 수도 있겠네.

slide를 보는 것이 최고.


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