워싱턴대 컴퓨터 구조 2005봄 강의보기

TmaxCore에 들어왔으니, Operating Systems랑 Computer Architectures를 공부해야지. - 2007/11/06 17:59:13

Video lectures

1강의 반절은 1년전에 봤다.  http://blog.naver.com/anytime19/120030419827

Week Topic Reading Homework Assignments
Architecture overview Let your eyes float over chapter 1. We won't cover this in class; but it is good for your general background in computer architecture. Take the undergraduate exam; due April 6.
Instruction set design Speedread chapter 2. This is a good summary of background instruction set design material. Gaze at Appendix D. Gaze is a more cursory reading than speedread.

104' ram·i·fi·ca·tion〕 n
[보통 pl.] 가지, 분지(分枝), 분기(分岐), 세분
[집합] 나뭇가지(branches)
지맥(支脈), 지류   ¶ ramifications of a nerve 신경 지맥
나뭇가지 모양;분지(分枝法)
구분, 분파






Most reading assignments will be taken from Computer Architecture: A Quantitative
Approach by John L. Hennessy & David A. Patterson, Morgan Kaufmann, 2003
. To get the most
out of the lectures, read the material before topics are discussed in class. My lectures won’t
necessarily follow the same order of subtopics as the text and might take a different slant; I think
you’ll find that reading the nuts and bolts approach of the authors before class to be helpful.
There will also be some supplementary reading that you will be able to access from the
course web pages.


이 글은 스프링노트에서 작성되었습니다.

by 언제나19 2007. 11. 8. 13:16