숫자를 별로 안 쓰고도 수학 공부하는 느낌이 든다.

미분, 적분이 아니라 머리가 좋아질 것 같은 감각적인 수학.

combinatorics는 재밌다.

게다가 게임이랑 접목해서 가르쳐주는 귀중한 수업이다.

확률은 안배우고, 경우의 수만 배우는 과목.

그런데, 싸인펜 소리가 너무 거슬린다.

2.3까지 보다가 말았다.

'공부 > Mathematics' 카테고리의 다른 글

대학 확률 조합 동영상 강의  (0) 2014.04.18
Linear algebra 다시  (0) 2010.09.21
by 언제나19 2014. 4. 30. 02:20

Discrete Math - Shai Simonson

11-15-00: Combinations and permutations
11-16-00: Counting Problems
11-17-00: Counting problems
11-20-00: Counting problems using combinations, distributions
11-21-00: Counting problems using combinations, distributions
11-22-00: The pigeonhole principle and examples. The inclusion/exclusion theorem and advanced examples. A combinatorial card trick.

edx 확률 수업

6.041x: Introduction to Probability - The Science of Uncertainty

An introduction to probabilistic models, including random processes and the basic elements of statistical inference.
  • STARTS: 4 Feb 2014
  • INSTRUCTORS: Tsitsiklis, Jaillet
  • MITx

책까지 제공해준다.



Stat2.1X: Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics

An introduction to descriptive statistics, emphasizing critical thinking and clear communication.
  • STARTS: 24 Feb 2014
  • INSTRUCTORS: Ani Adhikari
  • UC BerkeleyX

Stat2.2x: Introduction to Statistics: Probability

An introduction to probability, with the aim of developing probabilistic intuition as well as techniques needed to analyze simple random samples.
  • STARTS: 14 Apr 2014
  • INSTRUCTORS: Ani Adhikari
  • UC BerkeleyX

Stat2.3x: Introduction to Statistics: Inference

An introduction to statistical ideas and methods commonly used to make valid conclusions based on data from random samples.
  • STARTS: 2 Jun 2014
  • INSTRUCTORS: Ani Adhikari
  • UC BerkeleyX

KIExploRx: Explore Statistics with R

Learn statistics in a practical, experimental way, through statistical programming with R, using examples from the health sciences. We will take you on a journey from basic concepts of statistics to examples from the health science research frontier.
  • STARTS: 9 Sep 2014
  • INSTRUCTORS: Andreas Montelius
  • KIx

Sets, Counting, and Probability (Harvard)

숫자 범위를 랜덤 선택할 때, 어떤 것이 얼마나 선택되는지 구하고 싶었다.

조금 관련이 있는 문제들

Birds On a Wire (Problem and Interactive Simulation)


by 언제나19 2014. 4. 18. 05:10
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